And as a result, eliminate a lot of gut-wrenching stress while giving you a fresh start.
The types of bills you'll be able to get rid of are all your credit cards, those rip-off payday loans, medical bills, lawsuits, garnishments, and other types of judgments.
On the flipside, there are some bills you won’ be able to eliminate, like student loans, alimony, child support or recent tax debts.
In order to file Chapter 7, there are limits on the amount of money you can earn. Most of it depends on the size of your household. The more people in your household the higher your income is allowed to be.
Let me just stop for a second.
I'l be happy to go over everything involving Chapter 7 and you'll be able to ask me all the questions you want.
When we get on the phone, we'll discuss your particular situation as well your options, including whether Chapter 7 makes sense for you.
One of the key things we'll discuss are the personal items that are important to you and ones that have sentimental value.
For example, I'll work hard to have your cars, wedding rings and other valuables placed into an exemption status so you wont lose them.
And, it only takes one up-front payment to take care of your attorney and all the fees.
One last thing I'd like to mention. If you're behind on your mortgage or car payments, but would like to keep one or both, watch my presentation about Chapter 13. It might be a better fit.
Listen, I completely understand and sympathize with your situation.
Please, keep in mind, you're welcome to call me at 402.659.4254... whether its noon or midnight, Wednesday or Sunday. I'm here, to serve you... immediately!